Your business is in jeopardy if you can't get this product to work, only problem is, it doesn't work! So you have to fake it till you make it by racking up combos like your device is supposed to. Instructions inside. The theme was meant to be tropical, but it sort of turned into just the ocean. It has a reef though, so I hope that counts. There's no saving so take a screenshot of your award shelf if you want to save it.

If you can get a combo of 30 you're better than me! (Which also means it might not be possible!)

Full Story in text:

3 months ago, you came up with what you were confident was a brilliant invention. An electrical lance that shocked edible fish while leaving inedible ones alone. 

But after weeks of work you've found that that's not actually possible, and all you have to show for it is a taser taped to a fishing spear. Who knew? With the meeting with your investors looming, it's up to you to get into the ocean and try to use the lance so skillfully it seems like it can take out swaths of the right fish with ease.


All art by me save for:

Coral Reef  (the background, edited) by ChickenTeddy -

Other Assets:

Font by Zelow Type -

win.wav by mehraniiii -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Woosh_Medium_Short_01.wav by moogy73 -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Electric zap.wav by michael_grinnell -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Published 3 days ago
Tags2D, Arcade, combos, Fishing, Godot, tropical


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Cool game!, simple, but so fun

28, lovely game 9/10